It recently came to my attention that there are perfect people in the world.
Who would have thought?
I was always taught that no one is perfect.
And that God is the only person perfect in this world.
But, there are people out there who think they are absolutely perfect.
And feel they can judge you since they are so perfect.
Let me go ahead and apologize if I upset anyone with this post.
But, I am going to be very sarcastic with this entry because a recent incident really got under my skin.
Last night, a girl whom I've never met, but have talked to a few times subtweeted about a person who wanted everyone to sympathize for them when they were going through a break up, but it only took them one minute to move on.
Now, I'm not saying this post was about me, because there are a lot of people on my timeline that are going through break ups.
But, it got me thinking...
People only see what we portray through social media.
You don't see or know what anyone is going through.
I could just as easily post sappy tweets and statuses as I can happy ones.
It really doesn't matter what I'm actually feeling.
All you see is what I post.
Does that give you a right to judge someone because they aren't "acting" sad on twitter and facebook?
Whenever I go through break ups, I try to surround myself with happy people.
People who are going to make me feel better about myself.
People who take my mind off of my ex.
People who lift me up and treat me with respect. {The way a person should be treated.}
I try to get back in touch with my friends that I lost touch with due to circumstances in my past relationship.
Does this mean that I've moved on completely?
But, I'll tell you this....
It's a start.
I would rather be happy every single day, than to be depressed over a break up.
I'm the type of person who tries to see the positives in everything.
I'm not going to look up sad depressing quotes and post those as my tweets and statuses so people can see that I am struggling.
And while I'm at it, who said that is the way you're SUPPOSED to act after a break up?
Is there a rule book I didn't read on what the proper way to act after a break up is?
And if you are friends with someone and they are going through a break up, don't you want to see them happy?
Why would you want them to be depressed and upset?
I gotta say, it's very easy to judge when it's not you going through the break up.
But, just be careful, it might be you very soon.
Think about how you want to be treated...
Only one person can judge me for my actions and that's the Lord.
Just remember, he's judging you also for judging me.
Until next time...
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