Saturday, January 26, 2013


She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh.  
If you are falling down, she will be right there to pick you up.  
She is the one that always says sorry, even if it's not her fault.  
Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know.  
This is the girl who is afraid to love, because she has already lost so much. 
Until next time...

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Today at work, I had quite a bit of time on my hands.
In between classes, I decided to play solitaire to help pass the time.
I had already completed all of my work for my online classes.
I had everything planned and ready to go for the rest of the day and Friday.
I thought, why not relax and have a little bit of fun?

This is embarrassing to admit, but I didn’t win one game of solitaire.
And I probably played a minimum of 50 games (this is not an exaggeration).
I just kept playing and playing, game after game, and never won one.
I know, I know.
I must really suck at the game of solitaire.

After about the 45th game, I began to realize something.
The game of solitaire is really like the game of life.
Wait, not the actual board game “Life”, but life in general.
I know you’re thinking to yourself, “Dear Lord, Hope has lost it.”
But, just hear me out.
I will explain, just keep on reading.

First off, let me just tell you, I played the REAL game of solitaire.
I didn’t cheat and change the settings to “Draw One”.
No, no, no.
I wanted to win fair and square.
I chose “Draw Three”
Rebel, I know…

I could have cheated, played the easy way.
And I probably would have won the majority of those 50+ games I played.
But, would I really have won?
Because deep down, I would have known that I cheated in order to win.
You, as the reader, would have never have known that I cheated if I didn’t tell you.
You might have thought, “Wow! Hope is amazing at the game of solitaire.”
And I could have gone along with it.
Talked myself up and bragged about how good I was because I won so many times.
But, I would have known that I cheated.

The game of solitaire is a complicated one.
You’re not always dealt the best hand, but you try anyways.
You start off trying to make the most matches before ever opening the draw pile.
If you can make a lot of matches before having to open the draw pile, you think, oh yeah, I’m gonna win this one.
Then you open up the draw pile, and begin flipping through the cards.
You start making matches, you get on a roll, and oops!
Then it happens.
You passed up a card you know you could have used.
But, thankfully, there is an UNDO button that can be pressed.
You click on file, hit that undo button, and you’re back to where you were before.
You place the missed card where it belongs and then you move on.
However, in my case anyways, going back to get the missed card never really helped.
I still would end up losing each time.
But, sometimes, going back to pick up that missed card did help push my game a little further.

After every losing game, I got upset.
I won’t lie, I may have used a couple of choice words after losing over and over again.
But, I never stopped playing.
I kept trying again and again with the hopes that I may win the next time.
Although I never won a game, I still want to keep playing.
I still have the hopes that I will win one day.

So now, I want to apply the game of solitaire to the game of life.

We go through life everyday and we are handed all types of things.
We push forward everyday with what we got in hopes to get where we want to go.
There are times when your life will be going perfectly.
You’ll get so caught up in your perfect life, that you may lose sight of what is important.
These important things can include school, family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.
You may try and go back to pick up what you lost while you were so busy with your perfect life.
Sometimes, those people will forgive you and let you back in, but sometimes they won’t.
The point is, you still have to keep pushing forward whether going back benefits you or not.

There will be times when it seems like you can’t win anything.
You might feel like the whole world is sitting on your shoulders and you keep losing at everything you do.
But, you never stop trying.
You still get up everyday, put a smile on your face, go to work/school, and push forward.
Deep in the back of your mind, you know that one day, everything is going to get better.
One day, you will have everything you’ve ever wanted.
One day, you will be truly happy with yourself.
Until next time...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Facebook Creeper

The mood has struck to write!
Maybe it's because I just finished writing a seven page paper for my critical thinking class?
Or maybe it's because of the quotes I've been repinning on Pinterest.
Nonetheless, I have decided to write.

I'm feeling a bit liberated at the moment.  
Hold on, let me google search the word "liberated" real quick to make sure I'm using it correctly.......

Okay, I used it correctly.  
I am most definitely feeling liberated tonight.

Now, I won't lie to ya (not sure who it is that reads these post anyway, but whoever you are, I'm not gonna lie to ya).
I had an old Facebook that was still active, however, I never used it.  (Just logged on to view people's profiles that I wasn't friends with on my real Facebook, aka Taylor Rogers).
Since our break up back in September, I have logged on occasionally to creep his profile and see what he was up to.
Crazy, stalkerish, ex girlfriend is what you're thinking... I know, I know. 
But, I told you I wasn't gonna lie to you in this post, so judge if you want to. (I know you've been there before and done it too!)

But, something changed my thinking tonight.
It was a pin I found on Pinterest that read, "I just woke up one day and decided I didn't want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. So I changed, just like that!"

I never realized how much I was hurting myself by looking back at the past.
It wasn't an everyday type thing, but it was enough to where it was holding me back.
After reading the quote from Pinterest, I decided to deactivate my old Facebook permanently. 
I first deleted Taylor from the Facebook account and then deactivated it.

It feels so freeing to let go of the past and truly let it go.
It's been over three months since our break up, so it was definitely time to let him go.
Past time actually.
But everything happens in God's perfect timing.

So much is changing around me and within me.
I have no clue where my life is headed at the moment or where my life is going in the future.
I've made some recent changes in my path ahead, so we'll see how things turn out.
Until then, I will continue to pray for the good Lord to guide me.
Until next time...


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life's Little Instructions


A New Year ... A New Beginning 

At my meeting today, a flyer was sitting at our table titled, "2013 - A New Year ... A New Beginning".  
Below is what it read:
Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated 
Watch a sunrise at least once a year
Never refuse homemade brownies
Plant a tree on your birthday
Learn three clean jokes
Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full
Compliment three people everyday
Sing in the shower
Keep it simple
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them
Leave everything a litter better than you found it
Think big thoughts but relish in small pleasures
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know
Never leave the toilet seat up
Floss your teeth
Ask for a raise when you feel like you've earned it
Be forgiving of yourself and others
Overtip a waitress
Say "thank you" and "please" a lot
Buy whatever kids are selling in their front yards
Wear polished shoes
Avoid negative people
Remember other people's birthdays
Commit yourself to constant improvement
Carry jumper cables in your trunk
Have a firm handshake
Sent lots of Valentine cards - sign them, "someone thinks you're really wonderful"
Stop blaming others and take responsibility for every area of your life
Look people in the eye
Strive for excellence, not perfection
Be the first to say, "hello"
Use the good silver
Return all the things you borrow
Make new friends, but cherish the old ones
Keep secrets
Plant flowers every spring
Have a dog
Always accept an outstretched hand
Wave at school kids on school buses
Be there when people need you
Fill a stranger's expired meters
Don't expect life to be fair
Never underestimate the power of love
Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation
Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake"
Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know"
Compliment even small improvements
Always keep your promises
Marry only for love
Rekindle old friendships
Call your mother

I thought this was too sweet not to post for everyone to read.  
This is a new year and a new beginning for everyone.  
I hope everyone has a wonderful 2013!
Until next time...