Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why Worry?

I have wanted to write a blog post for sometime now, but never knew exactly what to write about.
I always start writing out a story and then stop and think, nah, no one wants to read that and end up deleting the whole thing.
But today, a thought ran through my head and I thought, that would be a great post to write about.
So here it goes…

Why do we do it to ourselves?
Does worrying about something make you feel better?
Does worrying about something change what’s going to happen?
So what exactly does worrying do?

I found a quote on this topic and thought it was great, so I have to share.
It says, “Why worry about the future when God is already busy preparing it for you?”

My life is already planned out for me.
God has prepared a wonderful life for me and all I have to do is live each day happily and know that no matter what I do, my life is already planned out.
I cannot change the plan for my life.
My actions and choices will reflect who I become as a person, but I cannot change what has already been planned out for me.
So why do we try to plan out the way our life is going to happen?

I am guilty of this… Beyond guilty of this.
I am always planning out my future and how I want my life to happen, but in reality, I am wasting my time.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
I think that having an idea of what you want out of life is important to keep yourself on track.
But, I ultimately have no control on how my life is going to turn out.
God already knows how my life is going to turn out, who I’m going to end up with, what my career will be, how many kids I will have, if any, how long I will live, etc.
I know that he will put the right people in my life to push me into the life he has planned for me.
So why worry about what’s going to happen?
Why worry about when something is going to happen?
I have to remember that I have no control.
Worrying about something will only cause trouble and take away today’s peace.

No more worrying.
I am blessed beyond reason and I will live my life happily everyday.
I will know that every time something bad happens, it is happening for a reason.
I will not question it, but go with the flow and know that it is in God’s plan for me to get me to the life He has planned for me.
Until next time...