I know it may seem cliché to write a post about the 25 things I learned at 25, but I honestly feel it was refreshing to look back at my life and think about everything life has taught me.
The day I turned 25 was actually pretty hard on me.
Things in my life weren't really going "according to plan" and I was beginning to feel defeated.
I remember getting up and going to class that morning with the thought in the back of my head of, "Dang, I am a quarter of a century old and I have no idea where my life is going?"
I responded to the nice text messages wishing me a happy birthday and thanked all my friends who got me gifts and showed their love on my "big special day".
But, I remember coming home to an empty house after school.
I guess it wasn't really empty since my dog, Mena, was there to greet me, but it was empty nonetheless.
I remember putting my school bag away and sitting down on the couch.
I didn't even turn on the TV or pick up my phone to search through social media to see how many Facebook posts I had received wishing me a happy birthday.
I just sat down on the couch and stared out the window.
I'm not sure how long I sat there and stared, but I was snapped out of it when I heard Mena start to bark at our neighbor's dog, Cooper, out the window.
I couldn't even tell you the thoughts that went through my mind while I was sitting there.
It was just like I was in a daze or that time was standing still...
I told myself that I needed to get up and stop having a pity party and do something.
So, I poured myself a glass of wine, sat down at my desk, and began jotting down some thoughts of things I had learned throughout my 25 years.
I have decided to share these with you through quotes that I've found on Pinterest that iterates each one...
1) "Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change."
I have never read a more true statement than this one.
Positivity is priceless.
My mother always told me that I could be pitiful or powerful, but I couldn't be both.
So, I now wake up everyday choosing to have a positive outlook on life and to be powerful.
2) "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
This has always been a favorite quote of mine.
I've learned throughout the years to not plan your life out according to a time table.
I started off college thinking I would be married with my first kid by the age of 24, and here I am at 25, still in college, single, and barely being able to take care of my dog.
Life has thrown many curveballs at me throughout the years, but I've learned with experience how to adjust my swing.
3) "Dogs have a way of finding people who need them and filling an emptiness we didn't even know we had."
I found Mena at the Jessamine County Animal Shelter my junior year of college at UK.
I was actually searching for a Jack Russell, but couldn't resist the adorable brown eyed puppy they had just picked up off the streets.
She ran right up to me and licked my face the moment I saw her.
The shelter made me wait 5 days to make sure no one came in to claim her, and I'll be honest, it was the longest 5 days of my life.
Mena has been a complete nuisance at times to the point where I wanted to lock her up and never let her out, but she has also taught me what it means to care for someone other than yourself.
She has also taught me the meaning of selfless love and companionship throughout our 4 1/2 years together.
There is nothing more fulfilling in life than owning a pet!
4) "No matter what happens or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."
This is something I have had to learn the hard way.
Every time something goes wrong in my life, I feel like the world is ending and wonder how I'm ever going to recover.
But, I've come to learn that bad days do not last forever and neither do the good days.
As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that you have to be able to handle the current situation in front of you the best you can.
And if you can't do that, my remedy is to just go onto to bed and give it to God.
He has never steered me in the wrong direction.
5) "You can never be overdressed or over educated."
So, I can't really find the best quote for this life lesson, but I chose this one because it has always been one of my favorites as well.
My life lesson to go along with this quote is to invest in a "grown-up" wardrobe.
The older I get, the more I have to dress professionally, especially with the career path I have chosen.
I am a firm believer that when you dress well, you feel better about yourself.
And when you're working in the professional world, it is important to present yourself as such.
Be sure to buy quality pieces of clothing that will last you and make sure that it covers up the "twins" ladies.
You can ruin a perfectly good outfit by revealing a little too much.
Oh, and you can never go wrong with pearls!!
6) "The only person you have control over is yourself. You can change how you see a situation or remove yourself from it, but you cannot change the other person."
This has been a constant life lesson for me.
And I feel like I really learned this the most with my past relationship.
You cannot change a person; you can only love them.
That person has to want to change themselves in order to do so.
I feel it's best to just leave that one at that.
7) "Your worth is not measured in like, comments, notes, or followers; but in your ability to love, keep comments to yourself, take note and lead."
Social media is a great thing, in moderation.
Not everything needs to be broadcast on social media, such as what you're eating for dinner, that you are at the gym getting your workout on, or that your boyfriend just told you he 'loved you more' through a text message.
Yes, I have been guilty of all the above.
However, with getting older and gaining more experience, I've learned that the lives portrayed through social media are a small glimpse of who a person really is.
So, try not to invest so much of your time into it.
Life is much better in the real world anyways!
8) "Always trust your gut. It knows what your head hasn't yet figured out."
I have always been a firm believer in that my intuition is spot on.
To me, vibes will always speak louder than words.
This sometimes gets led to being told that I over think or over analyze situations, but intuition is a powerful thing - you should listen to it.
If something feels off, it usually is.
9) "You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyoncé."
I love this quote so so much!
You can get a lot done in a day, even in an hour.
But the secret is, you have to actually get up and go!
Of course, we all have those lazy days where we want to just lay on the couch, put the bag of potato chips on our chest, and turn Netflix on and watch every episode of Gossip Girl (not that I'm hinting at what I've been doing since Christmas break started 10 days ago...).
But, I've come to realize that your body feels a sense of pride when you get up and do something with your day.
Try it out!
I have a feeling you won't be disappointed.
10) "Family is not an important thing. It's everything."
The older I get, the more I value the time I get to spend with my family.
Whether it's meeting up for the holidays or eating dinner together every Sunday, always value that time together.
With each passing year, I realize more and more that family is the only thing you can count on in this life.
Yes, they may irritate you to no end, but I know that no one loves me more than my family.
And no one has my best interest as heart like my family does.
They will be there to pick you up when you have failed and will celebrate with you in times of rejoice.
Cherish these moments, for there will come a time when the moments turn into memories.
11) "Settling for crumbs doesn't keep you fed - it keeps you starving."
I have been taught this life lesson multiple times throughout my many years, but I learned it the most in the past couple of months.
I felt that at the age I was at, it would hurt more to start over than it would to settle for what I had in front of me.
My previous relationship had gone so far, I felt that it would be a lot of trouble to turn back now.
But I was encouraged by a song called "Settlin'" by Sugarland that everything was going to be okay.
I have come to realize that it's okay that I'm not in a relationship, engaged, married, or have kids even if everyone else does at this time in their lives.
It just means that it's not the right time in my life for that.
I was told that I will never have the "fairytale" romance.
But the truth is, that's not what I'm looking for.
But I do know what I want in a relationship and what I'm not willing to compromise for.
And it will happen for me when the Lord sees fit.
Until then, I'm not settling.
12) "Invest in people who invest in you."
Friendship is a two-way street.
I used to be the type of friend to always wait for the other person to call me with plans or send me a text first.
I never really invested much time into other people.
No, I'm not saying that I was a selfish person who only thought of herself, I just was more of an introvert and was perfectly okay being alone and spending time with myself.
From high school to college, you lose a lot of friends.
Mainly because you go to different colleges and you never see them as much as you used to.
But recently in Pharmacy school, I have met some friends who have completely changed my outlook to the meaning of the word 'friend'.
I've never met a person who genuinely cares for my well-being and wants me to succeed in life.
Someone who tries to understand me for who I am and doesn't get jealous for my successes.
The saying is true that you get what you give.
When I invested my time into my friends and genuinely cared for them and was there for them, I have never felt so overwhelmed with love.
Friendships are hard, but they are definitely worth it!
13) "Unless you control your money, making more won't help. You'll just have bigger payments."
Okay, this is a life lesson I am currently in the process of trying to figure out.
I am a sucker for a good deal and I have sooo much trouble passing up a great pair of shoes.
My mother always told me that money burns a hole in my pocket and she couldn't have been more accurate.
However, since moving off to go to Pharmacy school, I have had to learn the art of budgeting.
I make mistakes, a lot, but I will say that I am getting better at asking myself "Now Hope, do you really need this pair of tennis shoes or do you just want them because you don't have a pair that's pink?".
I feel it's good to indulge every now and then, as long as you can still make that electricity payment at the end of the month and do not run out of gas on the way to work!
Budget people - it's much less stressful!!
14) "If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it."
I actually came across this quote on Pinterest a couple days ago.
Hard work and determination can take you places you never dreamed of.
I feel like this can be applied to many aspects of your life.
But, I like to apply it to my career path and struggle of finding out what I wanted to do.
When I started college, I had the idea that I wanted to be a dentist.
After my first biology class, that changed real quick.
It was too hard and I didn't want to put in the effort.
So, I decided to pursue teaching.
That changed real quick after I realized working with kids and teenagers was not exactly my forte.
So, I decided to try out Pharmacy.
I worked at Kroger Pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician and loved it.
So I applied my senior year of college and I didn't get in - I was waitlisted.
I felt horrible and defeated, but was not giving up on what I wanted to do.
So I worked for a year at the elementary school as a PE teacher and UNITE Coordinator while still working towards going to Pharmacy school.
I reapplied the following year and got in.
It took hard work and determination to get to where I am today, but I am thankful that I never gave up on my dream.
Already halfway through school and just a year and a half left to go!
Keep your eye on the prize and never give up!
15) "It's easier to wake up early and workout than it is to look in the mirror each day and not like what you see."
Oh, how true this quote is!
I didn't really get into the whole lifting weights/working out thing until I met my recent ex.
I was always that girl at the gym that would walk straight to the treadmill and walk/jog for 30 minutes and call it a day.
I was always afraid that lifting weights would make me look like a man (every girl's worst nightmare...).
But after a year of weight lifting (along with some cardio), I began to notice a difference in my body.
I was stronger, more toned, and felt confident!
Along with exercising comes eating right.
Healthy choices are the key ingredient to living a healthy lifestyle.
The older you get, the slower your metabolism becomes.
You can't eat that Taco Bell and it not effect your body anymore.
With time, I have begun to notice that my body feels sluggish the next day after I eat fast food.
I felt tired and 'blah' to the point where I have no motivation to do anything.
But when I put the right kinds of food in my body, I feel energized and better about myself.
Whether it's walking your dog for 30 minutes or going to the gym for that 2 hour long intense session, try to incorporate some activity in your life.
Your future self will thank you!
16) "Relationships are harder now because conversations become texting, arguments become phone calls, and feelings become status updates."
It's nice to actually call or send a birthday card to your loved ones rather than sending a text message or writing on their Facebook wall.
Technology and social media have allowed this generation to become so impersonal with our communication.
My mamaw calls me every year on my birthday and has a conversation with me about how school is going and just how I'm doing in general.
She also sends a card for every holiday - Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. to show how much she misses and loves me.
I keep every card she sends me and put them on a cork-board in my office at to remind me to show the same acts of kindness that mean so much to a person.
Of course, public displays of affection are wonderful, but it's the small things that no one sees that mean the most.
17) "In life you'll realize that there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some are there to test you, some will use you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you."
Growing up, I used to always say that everything happens for a reason.
That every person you've encountered in your life has played a role in helping you grow as a person.
I believe that it is true that different people awaken different beasts in you.
But I also believe that God puts each person in our life at the right time in order to push us towards the person we are truly meant to be.
I feel that it is important to never forget these people.
Whether that person hurt you or they treated you with the utmost respect, you should always remember them and thank them for helping you along the way.
18) "Don't dig up in doubt what you planted in faith."
This is a life lesson I feel I am still learning about.
It's hard not to second guess yourself on certain decisions and it's hard not to think "what if".
I think it has more to do with your confidence in yourself.
Confidence is silent and insecurities are loud.
I find this to be more relevant when it comes to relationships and friendships.
It's hard to let go of someone when they have been such a big part of your life.
But, I have found out that it's more hurtful to hold onto someone that you know is not supposed to be in your life anymore.
There is power in holding on, but there is also power in letting go.
Trust the journey, trust your heart, make a decision and stick to it.
19) "Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life, but will surely add life to your years."
It's true that laughter is the best medicine.
My favorite wrinkles on my mamaw are those that show how much happiness she has had in her life.
You can see it in the crow's feet by her eyes and the smile lines on her cheeks.
She is woman who is genuinely happy and lives a life full of laughter.
I have found that even on my hardest days, if I can find a way to laugh, my day is completely changed.
I guess this is why I love to watch funny vines before going to bed.
I love to laugh and always feel a sense of comfort in smiling so much.
If you're ever having a bad day, just google funny vines.
I promise you won't be disappointed!!
20) "Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regret can last a lifetime."
This quote really hit me hard with the recent passing of a close friend to my baby brother.
I have never lost anyone that is really close to me, so I've never felt the pain and heartache that goes along with such a big loss.
But as I watched my little brother mourn the death of one of his best friends and roommate in college, it literally broke my heart in two.
It made me realize how short life truly is and that things left unsaid to people that mean a lot to you could end up being a major regret.
Take the risk.
Tell that person what they mean to you.
You may not get the answer you were looking for, but at least you can look back and say you have no regrets.
21) "What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be."
This has been a hard one for me to learn throughout my 25 years.
I've always felt that my mistakes have taken a lot of time away from the life I ultimately want.
It's taken me time to realize that these mistakes are actually molding me into the person I'm meant to become.
Each and every mistake that I've made has taught me a lesson (whether I chose to learn from it or not is another story, but...)
It's important to remember that your mistakes do not define who you are.
What really defines you is how well you rise after falling.
So, stop taking life so seriously!
No one gets out alive anyways...
22) "The best foundation you can wear is glowing healthy skin."
Ahh, the "take care of your skin" life lesson.
I am definitely one who is beginning to learn this lesson the hard way.
I never wash off my makeup before going to bed.
Which is probably why my white pillow case looks more beige than it does white most of the time.
But the older I get, the more I am noticing the dreaded 'lines' that are starting to appear.
Invest in a good age-defying remedy.
And my love for the tanning bed is slowly coming to an end.
I have laid in the tanning bed since I was in the 7th grade.
No, I'm not an avid tanner that tans every single day.
Mainly when I'm getting ready for summer or an event in which I'd like to be tan.
But I have finally discovered the amazing spray-tan (after I got rid of the fear of coming out looking like a Dorito...)
Yes, it only lasts for like a week, but it's much much better for your skin.
Try it out!!
23) "It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full, there is clearly more room for wine."
Going off to college, we all experience those wild nights that turn into mornings of regrets.
In undergrad, I could recover from a fun night like nobody's business.
The older I get, the harder that statement is to being true.
Not only does it take me a full day to recover at the age of 25, but sometimes even two!
Do yourself a favor and place two Tylenol by your nightstand and a full glass of water.
You will definitely thank your sober self the next morning when you don't want to get out of bed, but your head is hurting.
Oh, and always remember there is a time and place to get drunk.
Learn your limits and learn how to stop yourself when you've had one drink too many.
It's no longer a fun night when your head is leaning over the toilet seat...
24) "The emptiest people on this planet are usually the ones fullest of themselves."
Life has many ways of sending you humbling experiences.
I've learned this life lesson through volunteering with my Pharmacy school.
We volunteer at a thing called 'RAM' which stands for Remote Area Medical, where we provide free quality health services to people who cannot afford it.
After volunteering with three RAMs, I have learned a lot about giving your time and attention to others.
Sometimes we take for granted all that we have.
We begin to feel privileged in a way.
But God always has ways of humbling you when you get on your high horse.
Through my volunteer sessions, I learned that each person has a story to tell.
The secret is, you have to be willing to listen to them.
Although each RAM session has taken a lot of my time, I feel blessed to be able to use my knowledge to help possibly change a person's life.
There is a true passion in giving freely to others when they cannot do anything in return for you.
An act of selfless love and kindness goes a long way.
25) "It is perfectly okay and normal to not have you s**t together at 25."
My favorite life lesson of them all!!
It most definitely is perfectly okay and normal to not have it all figured out just yet!
Yes, I am now a quarter of a century old.
And yes, I have learned many life lessons in those 25 years.
But, I also know that I am still learning life lessons each and every single day.
I'm going to keep making mistakes.
I'm going to second-guess myself sometimes.
Sometimes I'm going to have a pity party and feel like the world is ending.
However, I am now older and wiser.
I have learned how to deal with situations better than I used to.
But when I'm feeling lost and alone again (which I'm sure I will at some point in my life), I'll pour myself another glass of wine, sit down at my desk, and begin writing again.
Until next time...